Looking to buy or sell real estate in the Ramat Beit Shemesh / Beit Shemesh area?
Search no further than Josh Epstein Realty. Located in the heart of Ramat Beit Shemesh, we've been helping people find their dream homes for over 15 years. We have international connections and are part of a large network of over 300 real estate agencies throughout Israel. Whether you are looking to buy, sell or invest, our team of real estate agents, lead by Josh Epstein, can help you! We specialize in the following areas:- Ramat Bet Shemesh Aleph
- Sheinfeld
- Nofei Aviv
- Nofei HaShemesh
- Givat Sharet
- Ramat Neriah
- Mishkafayim
- Mem 3
- Pisgat Hasheva
- Givat Savigon