Learn about Nachal Katlav in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph.
Nachal Katlav is off of Nachal Dolev and is on the most northern edge of Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph. It is a dead end street which ends in a park that leads to Nachal Micha. A mixture of people live on Nachal Katlav – modern Orthodox, Dati Leumi and Charedim.
On the left side of Nachal Katlav the apartments are 3,4 and 5 rooms. Many of the apartment buildings on this side have elevators, plus covered parking under the buildings.
On the right side of Nachal Katlav the apartments are also3,4 and 5 rooms, but most of the apartment buildings do not have elevators. Some of the buildings have a -1 level, these apartments have large gardens.
At the top right side of Nachal Katlav there is a small area with a pizzeria plus a few small shops.
On the top left side of Nachal Katlav there are 2 shuls, Nachalie HaRema and Tahar HaLev. At the corner of Nachal Katlav and Nachal Dolev is the Rav Haber Shul which is probably the biggest English speaking Shul in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph.